Statement of purpose:

I keep failing at getting myself through Heisig's Remembering the Kanji, and I'm sick of disappointing myself. Therefore I will expose myself to public humiliation by keeping track of my progress through this blog.

So far I am still in the planning of my exact timeline of my goals, and I'm still reviewing which Anki decks will work best for me.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weeks 8 and 9

Still have not attempted reviews.

As usual, depressing to think where I could be if I hadn't stopped. Soon I will set a goal and begin again.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weeks 6 and 7

So far I have ceased study. I need to remotivate then find the time to catch back up on the ton of reviews I am behind on.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 5: slowdown

Adding sentences seems to be helping me to maintain interest, but my reviews and new cards are slowing down to a crawl. I'm trying to simply do a few each day, not worrying about amounts.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 4: Break

Following someone's advice, I stopped adding new cards this week so I could focus on catching up on reviews. Once I'm mentally ready, I'll start new cards again. Probably in the next day or two.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 3 : break the barrier

I kept thinking I was finally at where I quit previously, and then a card I remembered would pop up.

I'm at over #500... breathe. I can do this.

I'm getting lazy and impatient to be done, skipping cards instead of simply breaking up the practice throughout the day. I wonder if I would be better served by not intermingling new cards and review cards?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 2

Honestly, did not think I was going to succeed with 27 new words each day this week, which is a very bad thing for me. Once I skip once for no good reason, I quickly stop studying altogether.

I'm finding cards I found difficult before to be much easier but I'm not sure if that's because I've started breaking up my reviews throughout the day when it feels tough, or if it is because I've reviewed these kanji off and on throughout the years in previous attempts.

I think the fact that I'm hesitating less to use the easy button helps, I don't have quite as much of a glob of loads and loads of cards at one time weighing me down and discouraging me and distracting me from cards I really need to actually be reviewing. I always had this tendency to pick the sooner reviews for some reason, even if I immediately identified the correct kanji.

One thing that has been annoying me though, is sometimes the lack of clarity in the cards when I review. For example, is Heisig's keyword for 槙 "a plant" or "to plant"? I'm trying not to use the book, and have been relying on a deck that uses koohi user submitted stories, and I've seen both uses used between the two stories. That is not the only one.

I have made a few corrections but I'm afraid of distracting or discouraging myself too much, which is why I'm not using the book. I want to make it as simple and easy as possible to review the cards. Of course, it also doesn't help that my deck is modified and has cut many cards out anyway...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 1

Going strong, although I noticed that Anki doesn't specifically tell me how many cards I've learned and how many I have left to go anymore. Been doing 27 new cards a day and trying to get in extra reviews when I can.

So... 27x7= 189?

At this rate I'll be where I've been stuck previous in the week after next. Makes me nervous. The first 300-400 are always easy because I've restarted these Anki reviews so many times in the past...